Jennifer Probert LNAC 2008 ~ 1st place 6 dog class. Photo by David Woodcock

Jennifer and Diamond

Jennifer and Diamond
Michael DeYoung Photography

About us

About Us ~

Our kennel is made up of hound / AK husky cross sprint race sled dogs. We are based out of Fairbanks and race around the great state of Alaska. We are a world class kennel that takes the sport of dog mushing very seriously.

Both of us, Jennifer Probert-Erhart and Carl Erhart, are Athabascan Natives from interior Alaska. Carl grew up in Tanana and Jennifer in Tok/Tanacross. Our history in the sport goes back many generations. The Probert, Denny, Ehart and Woods families combined have countless hours and miles on the back of a dog sled and we are blessed to come from such a talanted, amazing and gifted group of people. The stories, advice and information that we get from our family is not only interesting but critical to the success of our kennel. Carrying on not only a family tradition, but a sport that was a way of life for our Athatbascan people is a great honor for both of us.

Currently we compete primarily in the limited class races but plan on running more open class races. Our dreams of running the "big ones" meaning the Open North American and the Rondy are getting closer and closer to being a reality. Our kids also compete in the junior races and our parents still play an active role in the kennel.

We invite you to follow along as we prepare the dogs for raceing, travel around the state to compete in the races and share the ups and downs of the wonderful, exciting sport of sprint dog mushing.

We are looking for sponsors to help with the cost of food, vet care and travel expenses. For more information about becoming a sponsor please contact us directly at

Thank you for taking your time to spend with us!

Tsin' ee
Anna' Bas ee'
(Thank you in Athabascan)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Raven Electric 10 Dog Race

Last weekend we raced in our first 10 dog race!  
I was a wimp and only used 8 dogs though.  

10 dogs ( well 8) - 10 miles - 3 days - a different trail every day

Day 1 - Friday the 13th!!!

They ran all the teams up to the start line with the assistance of snowmachines.  Because of the rain a few weeks earlier the holding area and the start line were covered in a thick layer of ice, hard to hook down.  They attach with a quick release and they have someone at the starting line to pull the quick release at the count down.  

5,4,3,2,1 go, go, go go... everyone let go of the team and the quick release was stuck.  Buddy came to the rescue with a knife and cut the line. So off I went 28 seconds after the countdown with the quick release still attached. The club adjusted my time, even without us requesting it.  

During the race  I hooked down and changed out leaders.  I'm trying not to make a habit out of this, but I felt that it was the best thing to do under the circumstances.  So there I was changing leaders in the middle of the race.  I guess things needed to be a little exciting for Friday the 13th.

Day 2 -
I had a better day.  I didn't have to hook down and eveyone performed good.  We were making good time and in the shoot on the final stretch one of my swing dogs decided to stop and poop. The two dogs behind got tangled and the leaders thought that we were done.  So we lost a little time right there at the end. 

I finished in 2nd place for day time.  I was only 7 seconds behind Egil Ellis!  They pay day money so I figure he took a $50.00 poop... oh well, that's what racing is all about! I moved up to 5th place overall.

Day 3 - 
Another good day.   The temp was about 30 - 40 above all weekend so the dogs were hot.  I was a little worried about the "inner loop"  that was the trail that we were taking on day 3.  Turns out it wasn't that bad.  I'm just glad it wasn't icy.  

We finished in 2nd place again for day time.  11 seconds behind Egil Ellis for day time.

Egil 1st place
Lena Glad and Christian Taveau - tied for 2nd place
Me -  11 seconds behind Lena and Christian   

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