There was some pretty bad overflow on the 6 mile trail so the race officials decided to use the kids 4 mile trail for the 6 dog race for safety reasons. On Friday when they went out to inspect the trail Jim and Jr fell in the overflow pretty deep and came back with very cold feet.
16 mushers signed up for the race and we went in groups of 5 teams, 5 teams and 6 teams to avoid head on passing. 1 min intervals separated teams and there were 5 kennels that had 2 teams each so it made for an exciting start.
Corey had a pretty exciting first day or racing also. Team 1 had some trouble in the shoot and team 2 passed him. Corey was team 3. Team 1 caught team 2 and when he passed he got tangled. Corey came upon the tangled teams and opted to hook down and help out instead of passing them. He had Bjorn who was team 1 come stand on his sled because he set the hook and they popped it and he reset it. So Bjorn held Corey's sled while Corey untangled the teams. He let Bjorn go then passed team 2. When they finished Coleen Charlie was in 1st place, then Corey then Bjorn. I don't have the names of the other kids, but there were 4 other teams in the field.
Day 1 results
Jennifer Probert 10:38
Brian Sanford 10:52
Nathan Sterling 11:06
Trish Seibold 11:09
Dori Hollingworth 11:15
Jennifer Sterling 11:16
Evelyn Beeter 11:24
Forest Seibold 11:37
Darrell Hollingsworth 11:54
Roy Denny 12:20
Agnes Denny 12:34
Sutler 13:44
Bernie Paul 16:23
Vollman 17:20
Radotich 18:19
Ellsworth 18:39
Day 2 -
The joke was on me the morning of day 2. I guess on Saturday night all the mushers that stayed were plotting a joke and I was the target. I was approached by a group of fellow mushers with the news that I was going to be DQ'd for getting too close to Forest at the finish line on day 1. On day 1 I was catching Forest and finished right about the same time as him. So Darrel Hollingsworth had a set of the race rules and broke the news to me. He said that Forest was making a complaint and I was going to be DQ'd according to the rules. (Forest didn't even know what was going on either). So any way I was reading the rules as everyone was trying not to laugh and I said this means if I passed him he needs to give me room at the finish, not the other way around. They all started laughing and Darrel said that they did it to me because I am a good sport. :). Jennifer Sterling said I should have seen Nathan's face when he was trying to hold back his laughing while Darrel was giving me the news. They wanted to have Jim, the race Marshall, to do it, but he declined saying "what do you want me to get killed?" or something like that. As I was getting my sled ready I was laughing to myself thinking of all of them plotting the night before and getting a chuckle out of what could have happened.
Day 2 Results
Brian Sanford 10:37
Trish Seibold 10:46
Jennifer Probert 10:50
Nathan Sterling 10:55
Jennifer Sterling 10:55
Dori Hollingsworth 10:59
Evelyn Beeter 11:05
Forest Seibold 11:09
Daryl Hollingsworth 11:34
Bernie Paul 11:51
Agnes Denny 12:29
Roy Denny 13:17
Sotler 14:50
Ellsworth 16:06
Radotich 16:54
Vollman 18:01
Over all Results!
Jennifer Probert 21:28
Brian Sanford 21:29
Trish Seibold 21:55
Nathan Sterling 22:01
Jennifer Sterling 22:11
Dori Hollingsworth 22:14
Evelyn Beeter 22:20
Forest Seibold 22:44
Darrel Hollingsworth 23:28
Agnes Denny 25:03
Roy Denny 25:37
Bernie Paul 28:14
Sutler 28:34
Ellsworth 34:45
Radotich 35:13
Volman 35:21
Kids Race (Partial results)
Corey Probert-Sanford
Bjorn Beeter
Coleen Charlie
don't have the names of the rest of the teams
It would have been a long ride home last night after getting Brian by only 1 second over all but I redeemed myself with him before we left Chistochina. They had raffles and I got tickets so we were anxiously listening as they drew the tickets. When they got to the final prize - the 32"flat screen tv, they called my name, I thought...they were just calling me up to draw the ticket. Ha ha another joke on me. So I went up to draw and I said " I'll just take my time and keep you all in suspense now. I dug deep and swirled the tickets around. Then I picked a ticket out. I looked at it and couldn't help but call out the name in total disbelief / excitement..."Brian Sanford"!!!!!!!! Corey and Brian started jumping up and down and I was totally freaking out. Agnes had to confirm the ticket and sure enough it was his name! Wow what a day!!!!!!!! We all had so much fun and the prizes were just amazing. They had beautiful stain glass trophies hand made by Jim Beeter's sister. All of the kids received prizes and even dog food. Lena Charlie bought a bunch of Red Paw dog food and donated it for the prizes. Oh, yeah, and we all entered a snow shoe race. Brian and I were partners and Corey was partners with Coleen. Brian and I did ok till I had to take the straps off his feet and put them on mine, oh well that was the first time either of us even had snow shoes on. Brian started he ran half way down stopped and shot 3 basketballs, made 1, and continued on to me where we had to take them off of him and put them on me. I ran half way down, shot 3 baskets, made 0, then on to the finish. The Seibold Siblings took 1st in the adult class and Corey and Coleen took 1st in the kids class.
We had allot of fun and enjoyed spending time with friends and family that we haven't seen in a while. I'm already looking forward to coming back next year.
Next on the slate...Tanacross race next weekend.
p.s. The previous weekend we raced in the Gold Run in Fairbanks. I took 1st in the 6 dog class and 3rd in the 10 dog class with my 8 dog team. Awesome trophies thanks to Deb and Dan McGrath and Osborn Construction. It was nice to finally be back in Fairbanks racing.
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