Jennifer Probert LNAC 2008 ~ 1st place 6 dog class. Photo by David Woodcock

Jennifer and Diamond

Jennifer and Diamond
Michael DeYoung Photography

About us

About Us ~

Our kennel is made up of hound / AK husky cross sprint race sled dogs. We are based out of Fairbanks and race around the great state of Alaska. We are a world class kennel that takes the sport of dog mushing very seriously.

Both of us, Jennifer Probert-Erhart and Carl Erhart, are Athabascan Natives from interior Alaska. Carl grew up in Tanana and Jennifer in Tok/Tanacross. Our history in the sport goes back many generations. The Probert, Denny, Ehart and Woods families combined have countless hours and miles on the back of a dog sled and we are blessed to come from such a talanted, amazing and gifted group of people. The stories, advice and information that we get from our family is not only interesting but critical to the success of our kennel. Carrying on not only a family tradition, but a sport that was a way of life for our Athatbascan people is a great honor for both of us.

Currently we compete primarily in the limited class races but plan on running more open class races. Our dreams of running the "big ones" meaning the Open North American and the Rondy are getting closer and closer to being a reality. Our kids also compete in the junior races and our parents still play an active role in the kennel.

We invite you to follow along as we prepare the dogs for raceing, travel around the state to compete in the races and share the ups and downs of the wonderful, exciting sport of sprint dog mushing.

We are looking for sponsors to help with the cost of food, vet care and travel expenses. For more information about becoming a sponsor please contact us directly at

Thank you for taking your time to spend with us!

Tsin' ee
Anna' Bas ee'
(Thank you in Athabascan)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tanacross and Limited North American Races

O.K. So it's been awhile since I have posted, and I apologize!  We still don't have Internet at the house and I have to go elsewhere for service.  So here we go.

Final results from Tanacross Race.  
2nd in the 10 dog class and 3rd in the 6 dog class.  I was happy with the dogs performances since the majority were dealing with bad feet from all of the different snow conditions that we have been dealing with over the long season.  

We had planned on running in the 4, 6 and 8 dog class in the Limited North American but we decided to only do the 4 and 6.  This decision was based on the physical and mental condition of the dogs as well as the jockey.  This really has been a long season for all of us and it has been both physically and mentally challenging as a result.  When we left Tok/Tanacross headed for Fairbanks I had this overwhelming feeling disappointment.  Not disappointment in my dogs, but in myself for the community of Tanacross.  I felt as though I had let them down and that I should have done things differently.  I was taking it easy on the dogs and I wasn't as motivated as I have been in some other races.  I was drained and so were the dogs and it showed.  We started training so early this year and have been all over the country and back...we were just tired. One of the best things that I heard that weekend was from Patty Seibold, she said, "There ain't nothing wrong with 2nd place."  And she's right...

On Sunday night after the race I dropped the dogs for the last drop of the night and I pulled my groin muscle, not good.  After the drive on Monday I was totally stiff and could barely walk. So since I couldn't walk I wouldn't be able to run that weekend.  I told Brian that he for sure would need to run the dogs.  So he trained the dogs on Wednesday and they were flat.  It was hot out that day, but the dogs were just off.  We didn't think that it would be smart to make an 8 dog team since they would need to go 10 miles on the first 2 days and 12 miles on the 3rd day. My leg was feeling a little better and I could walk with a slight limp and moderate pain.  So it was decided that I would just run the dogs and only do the 4 and 6 dog classes.  We would use the "main" leaders in the 4 dog class and let one of them run in wheel.  No stress and just a short run. We needed to get the dogs back together mentally more than anything right now. 

So I just went into the Limited North American with no pressure and just to have fun.  Keep things as relaxed as I could for both me and the dogs this weekend.  

Here were the line ups...

4 dog - all 3 days the same
Diamond and Lucky
Oscar and Swiper

6 dog 
day 1
Diego - Sally 
Gurdey - Jose
Moose - Uno

day 2
Sally ( single lead)
Gurdey - Jose
Moose - Diego

day 3
Diego - Jose
Moose - Gurdey

On day 2 in the 6 dog class our time was 17.08.4 on a track 5.9 miles long.  That was very close to the track record that Kroush Partow set in 2006 it was 17.08.2.  If only I knew we were that close I could have kicked one more time, oh well, maybe next year!

We ended up in 1st in the 4 dog class and 1st in the 6 dog class!!!!!! It was a great weekend.  Best of all the dogs had fun and I could see the spark back in them...and the jockey had fun too :).

Next race will be in Tok this next weekend.  Hoping to do the 6 and 8...but we'll see.


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